Grades 3-5
Locomotor & Manipulative Games
Lesson 2
EQUIPMENT: Hula Hoop and Fluffilo for each student.
Focus Standard for the Day:
3-5.3 List the benefits of following and the risks of not following safety procedures and rules associated with physical activity. Recommended Activity: Benefits and Risks (see below)
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: List
- What is the skill or content: Safety procedures and rules
- Evidence of learning:
- The student can list the benefits of following and the risks of not following safety procedures and rules associated with physical activity.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Written assignment: "List the benefits of following and the risks of not following safety procedures and rules associated with physical activity. Provide at least three examples for benefits and at least three examples for risks."
- Criteria for competence:
Everyone stays safe and we avoid injuries!
The activity runs smoothly.
Knowing the directions and listening to the teacher makes it easy to have fun!
Bumping into one another or falling can cause injuries.
Using the equipment improperly can damage it and cause injury.
Without rules, the game would be chaotic and we wouldn't have fun.
Levels of quality for listing the benefits of following and the risks of not following safety procedures and rules in physical activity (5-point rubric):
0 points: Student refused attempt. Student absence = BLANK score.
1 point: Student is unable to provide a list of benefits or risks.
2 points: Student provides 1 example of a benefit and 1 example of a risk.
3 points: Student provides a list of 2 examples of benefits and 2 examples of risks.
4 points: Student provides a list of 3 examples of benefits and 3 examples of risks.
5 points: Student provides a list of 3 examples of benefits and 3 examples of risks and gives an example of each.
WARM UP: Personal Space Hula Hoops
- One hula hoop for each student.
- Space the kids out enough so that they can move about their hoop without coming in contact with other students.
- Directions: Step forward/backward off your personal space (hoop) and stand in front/behind it.
- Step/jump sideways off your hoop, step/jump sideways onto your hoop, step/jump sideways onto your hoop.
- Step forward off your hoop, balance on one foot, close your eyes and balance, balance on your other foot, close your eyes, use your arms to balance, and step backward into your hoop.
- Jump forward off your hoop, jump forward all the way around your hoop. Now hop all the way around your hoop, hop all the way around on your other foot. Jump backward all the way around your hoop.
- Now stand with one foot in your hoop and one out. Jump and face away, face me, face that way (Teacher direction - students land with one foot in hoop every time).
- Hold your hoop behind you.
- Stand under your hoop.
- Cover your hoop with your body.
- Kneel in your hoop with one knee.
- Stand behind your hoop.
- Jump two hops forward to get over your hoop.
- Jump two hops backward to get over your hoop.
- Lame dog walk around your hoop.
- Walk forward/backward around your hoop on your toes/heels.
- Walk forward around your hoop very low.
- Move around your hoop on your hands and feet, forward/backward.
- Bend over forward and hold your ankles and move around your hoop forward/backward.
- Run around your hoop 5X.
- Kangaroo hop around your hoop.
- Crab walk around your hoop forward/backward.
Benefits and Risks
Discuss various safety procedures and rules associated with physical activity (Examples: Stay in your own personal space, always be aware of your surroundings, do not leave equipment lying around, etc.). Brainstorm as a group. Ask questions such as "why do we have rules in PE?" or "can you remember a time when you or someone else broke a rule and got hurt or hurt someone else?"
Pass out paper and have the students write "benefits of following procedures and rules" and "risks of not following procedures and rules."
Students will list as many benefits and risks as they can in groups of 3-4. Encourage them to share personal stories as examples, or use "what if" statements.
Allow time for sharing.
Fluffilo Juggling
- Form groups of 5-6.
- Have one Fluffilo per student on the team.
- With the group in a circle, the captain of the round will begin with a basket/bucket of Fluffilos (Fl'os) at his/her feet.
- Captain will toss the Fl'o to another player, who will in turn toss it to someone else and so on, until each player has caught and tossed the ball ONE time each.
- Encourage students to remember who they are catching it from, and who they are tossing it to. It will be the same for each Fluffilo in that round.
- The last player to catch the Fl'o will toss it back to the captain.
- Repeat, following the exact same sequence of tossing and catching with each consecutive Fl'o.
- The captain adds Fluffilos more and more quickly.
- On whistle blow, change captains and the order of tosses, and repeat the game.
- Continue play as time and interest permits, or until each player has had a chance to be captain.
Fluffilo Frenzy
- In the same teams that you were in for Fluffilo Juggling, it's time to add a little competition to the game!
- The object: to get through an entire "round" of Fluffilos first.
- Team captain starts with the pile of Fluffilos in his/her arms.
- As the Fluffilos come back to the Captain, the Captain catches it, and places each at his/her feet until every Fluffilo has been through the pattern.
- The same rules apply as in the above practice session. The Fluffilos must follow the same pattern around the group, with every player catching and tossing each Fluffilo.
- One round is completed when all of the Fluffilos (one per member of the group) have made it through the cycle of players.
- If your teams do not have the same number of players, "handicap" the smaller groups by adding two extra Fluffilos per missing person. (or have a different "extra" player help you determine the winner for each round).
- Give the students an extra challenge by adding a final team challenge that each team must perform following the round. For example, in order to WIN the round, after all of the Fluffilos have made it through the cycle, the entire team must sit down, legs straight, touching, and pointing to the center of the circle, with arms outstretched overhead, and yell WE'RE NUMBER ONE!! together. (Be sure to demonstrate this with a few students for a visual.)
- Change the final movement with each round. (You are teaching teamwork, throwing and catching skills, focus & concentration, and measuring the groups' ability to follow instructions! WOW!)
- IDEA: After the groups have mastered the concept of the "round" followed by the "challenge," have each group come up with their own team challenge. Before each round, have one group issue and demonstrate their challenge, then go for it! Each challenge should include a movement that the team must perform together, a formation they should get into together, and a chant or yell to finish it off. (Having the teams yell something together at the end will help determine who finished first. It works MUCH better than having them sit quietly!)
- Award 5 points for the team who finishes first; 4 points for second; 3 points for third, etc. Have teams keep track of the points as they go.
Melting Icebergs
- Scatter hoops throughout the playing area, leaving enough space between the hoops for the students to run safely. The hoops are the icebergs and they are melting quickly!
- When the music plays they will wander about the ocean performing the designated locomotor skill as given by the teacher (skipping, hopping, and galloping, leaping, sliding, etc.).
- When the music stops, students jump onto an iceberg. More than one student may be on each iceberg.
- Repeat, removing icebergs as you go (because they are melting, of course!) More and more students will be on each iceberg.
- Repeat activity until there are just enough icebergs to fit all of the students in.
- Play again as desired.
Alaskan Shipwreck!
- Let students know they are aboard an Alaskan Fishing Boat and it's going down!
- Start out with groups of four. Only four people can get onto an iceberg at a time.
- The hoops are the icebergs. Each group of 4 players receives two hoops.
- Mark the start and finish lines for your ocean. How far will they have to travel to find safety?
- The object is to get all the people safely to shore using only icebergs.
- All players must be on an iceberg at all times. To travel across the ocean, players put one hoop in front of them, get inside of it, pick up the back hoop, pass it up to the front, set it down, repeat.
- Hoops cannot be dragged or tossed.
- If any passenger steps out then all have to return to the ship and start again!!!
- VARIATION: appoint a shark who can tag anyone who falls off the iceberg. Players who fall off the iceberg must circle the boat two times before getting back on! Then the group continues forward. Players who get caught by the shark become helper sharks!)
- When students reach the finish line, they can use their hoops to help rescue other groups. The game is not over until everyone has reached the shore safely.
Cool Down: Stretches
Perform Cool-Down Stretches