Grades 3-5
Locomotor & Manipulative Games
Lesson 7
Equipment: Hula Hoops.
Focus Standard for the Day:
5-5.7 Accommodate individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities. Recommended Activity: Working Together with the Hula Hoop Shuttle and/or Alaskan Shipwreck (see below)
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: Accommodate - be accepting and understanding of
- What is the skill or content: Individual differences
- Evidence of learning:
- The student accommodates individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities, by showing an attitude of caring, compassion and empathy.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Structured observation: The student will accommodate individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities.
- Criteria for competence:
- Understanding that everyone has a different personality, a different type of body, a different way of moving, and a different level of physical ability; fitness, agility, balance, strength, athleticism, and so on.
Accepting that these differences don't make anyone "better" or "worse" than anyone else. No matter what someone else's abilities are, it is important to be kind, compassionate, and understanding of every single person. Never put down or make fun of anyone for their physical differences.
Encourage and support peers who are different than you are, and do your best to make each person feel confident and secure with who they are.
Levels of quality for accommodating individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities (5-point rubric). Record scores at
0 points: Student refused attempt. Student absence = BLANK score.
1 point: Student seems to avoid other with individual differences in physical abilities.
2 points: Student rarely accommodates individual differences in others.
3 points: Student accommodates individual differences in others' physical abilities some of the time.
4 points: Student accommodates individual differences in others' physical abilities in small-group activities by modifying activities and/or showing compassion.
5 points: Student always accommodates individual differences in others' physical abilities (he/she uses the talents of others to the fullest and makes sure that he/she interacts with kindness, compassion, and modification of activities.
WARM UP: Aerobic Conga Line
- Have students go toe-to-toe with 5 other students, forming groups of six.
- Allow each group to form a separate line.
- When the music starts, the person in the front of the line moves in a "wild and crazy" aerobic kind of way (the kids will come up with some goofy moves).
- The others in line will follow the moving pattern of the leader.
- After a few moves, the leader moves to the back of the line, and the next person in line becomes the leader.
- When the music stops, students join with another group and repeat the pattern.
- This continues until the entire class is one conga line following the same leader.
Working Together with the Hula Hoop Shuttle
- Discuss the differences among one another. Can everyone run at the same pace? Is everyone perfectly coordinated? Can everyone do the same exact things? (No). That means everyone needs to work together and help others to complete an activity.
- Explain that you will be looking for groups that work together
and help each other out. The WINNING group is the group that works
together the BEST - without put downs, and with LOTS of
- Hula Hoop Shuttle:
- Groups of 4-6, one hula hoop per group.
- Establish starting and turn-around point.
- When you say "go" the groups will run to - and back from- whatever distance you mark out (ex: next field line or around the hoop marker...).
- One group member will be inside the hoop, and the other group members will be holding onto the outside like a shuttle.
- When the group reaches the designated area they will switch and have someone else in the group be in the center of the hoop.
- The first group to have "shuttled" all of the team members across once wins.
- Everyone must interact together and help one another to get across the field.
- If there are an uneven number of players per team, have the teams with less players have one person "go twice."
- Play several times so students learn strategies to get across the field more efficiently.
Barn Animal Feeding Frenzy
Groups of 5. Designate one group member a crab, one a horse, one a bunny, one a duck, and one a rat or mouse (whichever h/she prefers).
The one player from each team that has decided to be the mouse or rat is "it" and will try to tag as many animals FROM OTHER TEAMS as possible.
Students will all start at one side of the barn (designated playing area) and will try to travel across the barn to get the feed (Fluffilos) from the opposite side of the barn, then return it to their own feeding trough (hoop).
Place as many Fluffilos as possible at the far end of the playing area (barn). Place a hoop at the barn door (starting line) for each team to put their food into after they've retrieved it.
Within each team, players will have to move like, and make the sounds of their animal, while trying to get the feed across the barn without being tagged by another team's rat/mouse.
If players get tagged, they drop their feed, go through the barn door (starting line), and come back into the game. They have to be quick, because the rats/mice (they'll eat anything) have the chance to steal their feed and take it back to the far side of the barn.
If a student makes it across the barn successfully with the feed, he/she goes again.
Allow animals within a team to switch with each other at any time. Rats can change with ducks and so on at any time during the game, as long as each animal is always represented on each team.
- Let students know they are aboard an Alaskan Fishing Boat and it's going down!
- Start out with groups of four. Only four people can get onto an iceberg at a time.
- The hoops are the icebergs. Each group of 4 players receives two hoops.
- Mark the start and finish lines for your ocean. How far will they have to travel to find safety?
- The object is to get all the people safely to shore using only icebergs.
- All players must be on an iceberg at all times. To travel across the ocean, players put one hoop in front of them, get inside of it, pick up the back hoop, pass it up to the front, set it down, repeat.
- Hoops cannot be dragged or tossed.
- If any passenger steps out then all have to return to the ship and start again!!!
- OPTION: appoint a shark who can tag anyone who falls off the iceberg. Players who fall off the iceberg must circle the boat two times before getting back on! Then the group continues forward. Players who get caught by the shark become helper sharks!)
- When students reach the finish line, they can use their hoops to help rescue other groups - but they still must travel inside their hoops! The game is not over until everyone has reached the shore safely.
- VARIATION: Try different numbers of people in the groups, and different numbers of hoops. Mix it up and have fun!
Kangaroo Team Challenge
Objective: to practice proper take-off and landing form when jumping for distance.
Groups of 5-6.
Establish a starting line and a finish line.
Demonstrate how to jump as far as possible by swinging the arms, bending the legs, and propelling self forward.
Objective: to cross the field with the FEWEST possible jumps - NOT the fastest time.
On "go" signal, ALL players begin jumping (both feet) across the field.
When all players from a team have made it across, they get together and add up their team score.
Repeat, trying to improve their own individual team score with each trial.
- Groups of 6 (even numbers of 6 or more work best for this activity).
- Each group gets into a circle. Students reach out and hold two different hands.
- It cannot be hands from students standing next to you.
- Without letting go of hands, work together and try to untangle your knot!
- Basic Stretch