Grades 3-5
Locomotor & Manipulative Games
Lesson 4
EQUIPMENT: Hula Hoops and Fluffilos.
Focus Standard for the Day:
3-4.5 Explain that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure.
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: Explain
- What is the skill or content: Fluid needs and energy expenditure
- Evidence of learning:
- The student can explain that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Writing/research assignment: "Explain how fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure." or more simply put, "Explain why staying hydrated is so important while working out or playing hard."
- Criteria for competence:
The body produces energy through exercise.
The body heats up and releases sweat to cool off.
Sweat is fluid leaving the body. It must be replaced.
The more energy you release, the more fluid you need to take in.
Levels of quality for explaining that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure (5-point rubric):
0 points: Student refused attempt. Student absence = BLANK score.
1 point: Student is unable to provide a satisfactory explanation about fluid needs or energy expenditure.
2 points: Student identifies that water intake is important, but is unable to explain the connection to energy expenditure.
3 points: Student identifies that water intake is important when exercising, but cannot explain how or why.
4 points: Student explains that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure.
5 points: Student explains that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure and can explain various ways that hydration helps performance and/or dehydration hinders performance.
WARM UP: Personal Space Fluffilos
- One Fluffilo per student.
- Space the students out enough so that they can move about their Fluffilo without coming in contact with other students.
- Directions:
- Step forward/backward over your personal space (Fluffilo) and stand in front/behind it.
- Step/jump sideways over your Fluffilo.
- Step forward over your Fluffilo, balance on one foot, close your eyes and balance.
- Balance on your other foot, close your eyes, use your arms to balance.
- Step backward over your Fluffilo.
- Jump forward over your Fluffilo.
- Jump forward all the way around your Fluffilo.
- Now hop all the way around your Fluffilo, hop all the way around on your other foot.
- Jump backward all the way around your Fluffilo.
- Now straddle your Fluffilo, face away, face me, face that way (Teacher direction).
- Hold your Fluffilo behind you.
- Stand under your Fluffilo.
- Cover your Fluffilo with your body.
- Kneel beside your Fluffilo with one knee.
- Stand behind your Fluffilo.
- Jump forward over your Fluffilo.
- Jump backward over your Fluffilo.
- Bear crawl around your Fluffilo.
- Walk forward/backward around your Fluffilo on your toes/heels.
- Walk forward around your Fluffilo very low.
- Move around your Fluffilo on your hands and feet, forward/backward.
- Bend over forward and hold your ankles and move around your Fluffilo forward/backward.
- Run around your Fluffilo 5X.
- Kangaroo hop around your Fluffilo.
- Crab walk around your Fluffilo forward/backward.
- Quick Standing Stretches
Hot Hoops! (similar to Hot Potato)
- Divide the class into groups of 8-10 players.
- Each player holds hands in a circle with the other players.
- Hoops are placed between the arms of two players. On the signal, players begin to step through, passing the hoop over their body and on to the next person - without releasing hands.
- Variation 1: music; when music starts, the players begin to step through the hoop. The object is to NOT get caught with the hoop over your body when music stops. No penalty for player who gets caught - it's just for fun! Or have players who get "caught" quickly switch teams and play again!
- Variation 2: relays- how many times can each team get the hoop(s) around the whole group in a given amount of time.
- Variation 3: how long does it take each group to get 10 hoops around the whole group? Have each group compete against themselves for their own best time. Repeat at least three times to see the improvement.
Hula Hoop Shuttle
- Groups of 4-6, one hula hoop per group.
- Establish starting and turn-around point.
- When you say "go" the groups will run to - and back from- whatever distance you mark out (ex: next field line or around the hoop marker...).
- One group member will be inside the hoop, and the other group members will be holding onto the outside like a shuttle.
- When the group reaches the designated area they will switch and have someone else in the group be in the center of the hoop.
- The first group to have "shuttled" all of the team members across once wins.
- Everyone must interact together and help one another to get across the field.
- If there are an uneven number of players per team, have the teams with less players have one person "go twice."
- Play several times so students learn strategies to get across the field more efficiently.
Wolves and Rabbits
- Scatter the hoops randomly around the playing area.
- Teacher designates students (about 10% of class) as wolves. The rest are rabbits.
- Wolves begin the game by standing with their pack in the center of the playing area.
- The rabbits must all be in a rabbit-hole (hoop). They are "safe" as long as one foot is inside the hoop.
- Rabbits stay in their holes until the wolf-pack unites in the center and howls together. "Oooooowwwww!"
- At the sound of the howl, rabbits must flee from the wolves that are chasing them and find a NEW rabbit hole.
- OPTION 1: Once tagged by a wolf the rabbit then goes to the middle where they join the wolf pack. Play until there are about 4 rabbits left, and they begin the next game as the wolves. OR
- OPTION 2: When tagged by a wolf, they TRADE places. The rabbit becomes a wolf, and now the wolf joins the rabbits. Continuous play with new wolves in every round.
Stuck in the mud
20% of players are designated to be "It" players. They all are holding a Fluffilo. Their mission is to tag everyone that is playing and stop all action.
Once a player is tagged, he/she must stand still with feet apart and hands on their head.
The remaining players can free a player by crawling between their legs. Wham! They're back in the game. A continuous exhausting tag game.
Change players who are "it" frequently.
If it works out, you may want to have the stuck players become the next taggers.
VARIATION: Play leap frog tag! Same idea, but when tagged, players become a nice little rock for other students to leap frog over.
OPTION: allow tagged players to EITHER get stuck in the mud or become a rock!
COOL DOWN: Knots and Discussion
- Groups of 6 (even numbers of 6 or more work best for this activity).
- Each group gets into a circle. Students reach out and hold two different hands.
- It cannot be hands from students standing next to you.
- Without letting go of hands, work together and try to untangle your knot!
Discussion: Fluid and Energy Expenditure
Discuss why fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure.
Water is the most essential ingredient to a healthy life. Our bodies are made up of 65 percent water. Being dehydrated by even 2 percent can decrease performance by 10 percent. Water performs important functions in our body like:
Transports nutrients and gases.
Helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
Helps to regulate the body's temperature.
Lubricating joints and tissues.
Facilitating digestion.
Hydration becomes more imperative when you are making up for the water lost in sweat from a good workout. Adequate fluid intake is essential to comfort, performance and safety. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids.
Allow students some time to search for information about water and workouts online, or to research the topic at home. Have students write a page or a paragraph about the importance of water for working out - and the importance of water for life!
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