Grades 3-5
Locomotor & Manipulative Games
Lesson 5
EQUIPMENT: Fluffilos and hoops.
Focus Standard for the Day:
Jump for distance using proper takeoff and landing form (NASPE Standard 1); Jump for distance, using proper takeoff and landing form (CA 5-1.3). Recommended Activity: Kangaroo Team Challenge (see below)
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: Jump
- What is the level of proficiency: Proper takeoff and landing form
- What is the skill or content: Jumping for distance
- Evidence of learning:
- The student can jump for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Structured observation: The student will jump for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
- Criteria for competence:
- Jumping is a transfer of weight from one or both feet to both feet.
- In order to jump far a person must either start by running a few steps or by swinging the arms.
- Demonstrate the jump by bending the hips, knees, and ankles.
- After swinging the arms a few times, push off the ground with the legs and feet (be sure to do all movements at the same time).
- When landing, bring the arms and body forward, bend the knees, and land with the feet parallel.
Levels of quality for jumping for distance using proper takeoff and landing form (5-point rubric). Record scores at
0 points: Student refused attempt. Student absence = BLANK score.
1 point: Student demonstrates random attempts to jump for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
2 points: Student demonstrates the initial stage for jumping for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
3 points: Student demonstrates the elementary stage for jumping for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
4 points: Student demonstrates the mature stage for jumping for distance using proper takeoff and landing form.
5 points: Student demonstrates the mature stage for jumping for distance using proper takeoff and landing form in an open setting.
WARM UP: Leader of the Pack
The teacher (or a willing and competent student) will be the leader so the students will keep the correct pace and movement. The goal is to stay together as a group.
Designate a starting line and a turn-around line.
Travel across with a slow jog.
Rev it up to a run for the trip back.
Switch to small hops.
Transition smoothly into long jumps.
As your foot touches down, slide into the slide movement.
Turn your body forward and change it to a gallop.
Change directions to keep the students on their toes!
Distance Jump
Students stand in a line facing the field. Each student has a Fluffilo in his/her hand.
On "go" signal, all students jump forward with proper form.
In order to jump far a student will start by swinging the arms.
Demonstrate the jump by bending the hips, knees, and ankles.
After swinging the arms a few times, push off the ground with the legs and feet (be sure to do all movements at the same time).
When landing, bring the arms and body forward, bend the knees, and land with the feet parallel.
Freeze on landing! Place the Fluffilo next to your foot.
All students back up to the starting line again and try to beat their jump!
Freeze on landing! Move the Fluffilo next to your foot... hopefully it is being moved farther!
Repeat 4-5 times, trying to move the Fluffilo farther with each jump.
Kangaroo Team Challenge
Objective: to practice proper take-off and landing form when jumping for distance.
Groups of 5-6.
Establish a starting line and a finish line.
Demonstrate how to jump as far as possible by swinging the arms, bending the legs, and propelling self forward.
Objective: to cross the field with the FEWEST possible jumps - NOT the fastest time.
On "go" signal, ALL players begin jumping (both feet) across the field.
When all players from a team have made it across, they get together and add up their team score.
Repeat, trying to improve their own individual team score with each trial.
Lily-Pad Leaders
Place the hoops randomly throughout the designated play area.
Form teams of 4-6 players.
On "go" signal, the lead frog (King/Queen Frog) from each group takes his/her pollywogs on a journey through the Lily-pads.
Encourage your King Frogs to leap about, or frog-hop, or skip and jump into the hoops.
On whistle blow, change lead frogs, with the second in group taking over, while former leader goes to the back.
Each leader should try to do a different move, and follow different pathways through the Lily-pads.
Play until everyone has had a chance to be the Lily-pad Leader.
Melting Icebergs
Scatter hoops throughout the playing area, leaving enough space between the hoops for the students to run safely. The hoops are the icebergs and they are melting quickly!
When the music plays they will wander about the ocean performing the designated locomotor skill as given by the teacher (skipping, hopping, and galloping, leaping, sliding, etc.).
When the music stops, students jump onto an iceberg. More than one student may be on each iceberg.
Repeat, removing icebergs as you go (because they are melting, of course!) More and more students will be on each iceberg.
Repeat activity until there are just enough icebergs to fit all of the students in.
Play again as desired.
COOL DOWN: Put-ups and Teamwork
Give students the opportunity to say something nice about a classmate.
Example: "I liked it when Cristina rescued me in Wild Animal Rescue."
Teacher: Be sure to be ready with some put-ups of your own - both for individuals AND for the entire class!
We've played a lot of games involving teamwork this week. Can anyone name one?
How was teamwork important in that game?
What IS teamwork?
What does it mean to be a "team player?"
Would you consider YOURSELF to be a team player?
What can we all do next week to be better TEAM PLAYERS?