Grades 6-8

Team and Cooperative Games

Lesson 1

PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT for you to share with your class:

  • Feel free to re-emphasize this throughout the year!

  • Prior to beginning your Physical Education program for the year, inform your students of what your goals and expectations.

  • "For the first couple of weeks the emphasis is going to be on getting to know each other, on group cooperation games, and reviewing sportsmanship. In this physical education class there will be no poking fun at anyone else, there will be no intimidation or put-downs. Everyone is expected to lighten up, have fun, and participate fully in every activity. Throughout the year our activities will vary from the fun and silly to the competitive and more athletic. But whether you are athletic or not - whether you are too cool for school or not - I expect full participation and your very best effort for every activity. AND I expect you to be kind, supportive, and encouraging to EVERY member of this class."

Equipment: Fluffilos, flags or scarves, and hoops.

Focus Standard for the Entire Unit: Throughout every lesson, look for students who make responsible decisions about using time, applying rules, and following through with decisions. Inform the students of your method for reward during this unit, and be sure to reward the class at unit's end!

Make responsible decisions about using time, applying rules, and following through with the decisions made (NASPE Standard 5).

  1. Unpack:

    • What is the verb: Make decisions

    • What is the level of proficiency: Using time wisely and correctly applying rules

    • What is the skill o‹ùcontent: Being responsible enough to use time and applying rules

  2. Evidence of learning:

    • The students exhibit behavior of being on task and applying the rules to the game/activity.

  3. Assessment tool/task:

    • Structured observation: Students will show their responsibility in game settings.

  4. Criteria for competence:

    • Using time responsibly:

      • Students should manage time so that they are actively participating. All equipment should be gathered at one time and game information should be conveyed quickly, but effectively. Students should show motivation to get involved and get the games rolling!

    • Applying rules:

      • Students should listen carefully to the rules and expectations for all activities. They will show understanding by applying the rules to the games or activities being played. The game or activity will flow smoothly if all players/participants are applying the rule correctly.

    • Following through with decisions:

      • Students should be able to plan strategies with teammates and follow through with the directions and agreements made. If they decide to make a game plan, they should be able to execute the plan without quitting.

  5. Levels of quality for making responsible decisions about using time, applying rules, and following through with decisions (5-point rubric).

    5. Student participates from start to finish, applies all rules to the game/activity, and follows through with all decisions.

    4. Student participates most of the time, applies the rules to the game/activity, follows through with all decisions.

    3. Student participates most of time, applies the rules, and follows through with most decisions.

    2. Student participates more than 50% of the time, applies most of the rules, and follows through with most decisions.

    1. Student participates minimally, applies some of the rules, and tries to follow through with his/her decisions.

Focus Standard for the Day:

6-2.5 Identify practices and procedures necessary for safe participation in physical activities.

  1. Unpack:

    • What is the verb: Identify

    • What is the skill or content: Understanding safe participation in physical activities

  2. Evidence of learning:

    • The student will identify at least six safe practices and procedures.

  3. Assessment tool/task:

    • Question: What are six practices and procedures necessary for safe participation in physical activities?

  4. Criteria for competence:

    • The students should be able to give examples of safe procedures such as:

    • Take time to warm up, cool down, and stretch.

    • Start slowly and build up to more intense activity.

    • Stop the activity if you feel pain.

    • Drink plenty of water.

    • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes.

    • Always be aware of your surroundings.

  5. Levels of quality for identifying practices and procedures necessary for safe participation in physical activities (5-point rubric):

    5. Student explains more than six safe practices/procedures and uses them in all game settings.

    4. Student correctly identifies at least six safe practices/procedures.

    3. Student correctly identifies at least four safe practices/procedures.

    2. Student correctly identifies at least two safe practices/procedures.

    1. Student attempts to identify at least one safe practice/procedure.


  • Pair up students.

  • Give them 5 min. to interview each other.

  • Have them introduce their partners and share the most interesting thing that they learned.

Safety First

  • Discuss how important it is to be safe during physical activity.

  • Go over your safety rules and class procedures.

  • Students will respond to the following prompt: "What are six practices and procedures necessary for safe participation in physical activities?"

  • When finished, discuss each of the practices and procedures and explain their importance.

Be Responsible!

  • Explain that we only have a limited amount of time for physical activity. Let's use it wisely!

  • Listen to the rules the first time! That way we all understand how to play the game properly and we don't waste time repeating them.

  • Follow through with decisions. If you chose a certain strategy (run straight up the middle) make sure you follow through with it. That way your teammates are always in the loop.

  • Explain that you will be looking for students that use time wisely, apply the rules, and follow through with all decisions.

  • Observe their behavior during the following activities.

WARM UP: Sportsmanship Expectations & Get-to-Know with Toss-a-Flo'


  • Talk about respect, teamwork, cooperation, honesty, fair play.

  • Put-ups (compliments to team members). No put-downs allowed.

  • Divide class into groups of 6-8 players.

  • Groups get into circles.

  • Each student steps in the circle and says his/her name and students repeat name in unison.

  • Add a Fluffilo to toss to one another.

  • When someone tosses the Fluffilo say, "here you go student's name."

  • The receiver says, "thank you, student's name."

  • Keep playing until everyone knows each other's names.

  • Add more Fluffilos to make it interesting.

  • After names in that first group are mastered, have every other person in the group take one step back and rotate (in clockwise fashion) to the next group over.

  • Repeat play.

Fluffilo Juggling

  • Students return to "home" groups, or play in current groups.

  • One Fluffilo per student on the team.

  • Each team should have the same number of players (or as close as possible).

  • With the group in a circle, the captain of the round will begin with a basket/bucket of Fluffilos (Fl'os) at his/her feet.

  • Captain will toss the Fl'o to another player, who will in turn toss it to someone else and so on, until each player has caught and tossed the ball ONE time each.

  • Encourage students to remember who they are catching it from, and who they are tossing it to. It will be the same for each Fluffilo in that round.

  • The last player to catch the Fl'o will toss it back to the captain.

  • Repeat, following the exact same sequence of tossing and catching with each consecutive Fl'o.

  • The captain adds Fluffilos more and more quickly.

  • On whistle blow, change captains and the order of tosses, and repeat the game.

  • Continue play as time and interest permits, or until each player has had a chance to be captain.

Fluffilo Frenzy!

  • In the same groups, it's time to add a little competition!

  • The object: to get through an entire "round" of Fluffilos first.

  • Team captain starts with a pile of Fluffilos at his/her feet. (front? in a bucket? You decide.)

  • Establish a different place to put the Fluffilos as they come back to the captain. (behind? out of the bucket?)

  • Establish a pattern by throwing a Fluffilo in any order as long as it starts and ends with the same player.

  • Fluffilos must continue to follow the same pattern around the group.

  • One round is completed when all of the Fluffilos (one per member of the group) have made it through the cycle of players.

  • If your teams do not have the same number of players, "handicap" the smaller groups by adding two extra Fluffilos per missing person (or have a different "extra" player help you determine the winner for each round).

  • Variation: groups perform a given action when they have completed the drill. For example, in order to win, all of the students in the group must sit down criss-cross, with their hands on top of their heads. Create a different ending action for each round. Be sure to demonstrate each ending challenge prior to play. ***Let the team that finishes last come up with the new challenge, OR give ALL of the teams some time to come up with an ending challenge.

  • Variation: After each round, have the teams take one giant step back, testing their ability to still throw the ball accurately, but from a distance.

  • Change the final movement with each round. (You are teaching teamwork, throwing and catching skills, focus & concentration, and measuring the groups ability to follow instructions! WOW!)

Just Passing Through

  • Set up by scattering many hoops throughout a large playing area.

  • Students in pairs with a Fluffilo.

  • Designate two end lines - all players begin on one end line.

  • The goal is to cross back and forth across the field as many times as possible.

  • Players must be standing inside a hoop in order to throw or catch the Fluffilo.

  • Player one will begin with the Fluffilo behind the starting line.

  • Player two can get inside any hoop and prepare to catch the Fluffilo.

  • Once the Fluffilo is caught, player one can advance to any available hoop.

  • If a player drops a pass, the pass must be repeated with the passer remaining in the same hoop (the receiver can move to a closer hoop).

  • After crossing the opposite end line, players turn around and come back across the field.

  • Pairs get one point for each time they cross the playing field.

  • The pair with the highest score when time is called wins!

  • This game improves accuracy in throwing short, medium, and long distances and combines nonlocomotor (standing in hoops/catching Fluffilo), locomotor (running to find a hoop), and manipulative skills (throwing and catching the Fluffilo).

Five to Score!

  • 5 players per team.

  • Multiple games can be played simultaneously.

  • One team should wear flags, wristbands, bandanas (scarves), or jerseys to distinguish between the two.

  • A marked off playing area that is about 30 feet by 50 feet is ideal.

  • The objective is for a team to make five consecutive passes to all five players without dropping the ball or having it intercepted. There is no "goal" on the field.

  • One point is scored every time 5 passes (to all five players on the team) are completed.

  • After each score, the opposite team has possession.

  • To begin, have the players scatter throughout the playing field.

  • Each player is assigned to guard one player on the opposing team.

  • Player with the ball cannot take more than three steps when attempting to throw to a teammate, nor can he hold the ball for more than three seconds.

  • Defenders must stay 3 feet away from the person holding the ball to allow for passing.

  • Violations or the three step rule, or the 3 second rule result in opposing team gaining possession of ball.

  • Violation of the 3 foot defender rule (in-your-face guarding) results in a free pass for offensive team.

  • VARIATION: play the game with OFFENSE only. Give every team of 5 a ball, and have them work on their offensive drills. (Goal is to complete 5 passes, with the last pass in the end zone, without dropping the ball.) See how many goals can be scored before time is called.

COOL DOWN: Stretch and Discuss - Manners, Put-ups, Differences

  • Seated Stretches

  • Ask students to state something positive they liked about what a team member did.

  • Point out that sometimes we tend to forget to use good manners. Let's try to always use good manners in and outside of this class.

  • Ask students to think of a goal they want to accomplish by the end of the week (ex: know each person's name, increase participation, etc.)

  • Discuss how each individual's development is influenced by heredity, hormones, nutrition, exercise, cultural expectations, and gender differences and how important it is to accept these individual differences. Ask the students to give examples of how an individuals difference can influence development (good/poor nutrition can increase/decrease performance, etc.)