Grades 6-8

Team and Cooperative Games

Lesson 2

Equipment: Tumbling mats (if available) and hoops.

Focus Standard for the Day:

Leap and roll using mature motor patterns (NASPE Benchmark for Sixth Grade).

  1. Unpack:

    • What is the verb: Leap and roll

    • What is the level of proficiency: Mature motor patterns

    • What is the skill or content: Leap and roll

  2. Evidence of learning:

    • The students must leap and roll using mature form.

  3. Assessment tool/task:

    • Structured observation: Students will demonstrate their ability to leap and roll.

  4. Criteria for competence:

    • Demonstrate a leap by doing the following:

      • Leaping is the transfer of body weight from one foot to the other.

      • Run for a few steps before leaping.

      • Use the lead foot to stretch forward as the arms stretch upward.

      • When landing, bend the knee of the lead foot to absorb the shock.

    • Demonstrate a roll on tumbling mats (if available).

      • Round your back like the letter C.

      • Tuck your chin to your chest.

      • Hike your bottom up high into the air.

      • Push off with legs and make sure your weight is on your arms so that the shoulders and back touch the mat in a very controlled way.

      • The top of your head should not touch the mat.

      • Roll all the way to your feet and stand up!

  5. Levels of quality for a leap and roll (5-point rubric).

    5. Student demonstrates all elements of a leap with mature movement in all game situations.

    4. Student demonstrates all elements of a leap with mature movement.

    3. Student runs and leaps without stretching the arms up. Student lands with proper form. Roll: Student rounds his/her back, tucks chin, and rolls quickly with chopping movements.

    2. Student runs and leaps without stretching the arms up. Student lands with straight legs. Roll: Student rounds his/her back and pushes off quickly with the head touching the mat.

    1. Student demonstrates a leap and a roll with uncontrolled movements.

WARM UP: Partner Balance & Blob Tag


  • Ask students to tell you some of the expectations.

  • Emphasize importance of team work and put-ups.


  • Students sit back-to-back with knees bent.

  • Students hook arms together.

  • Push back to back to try to stand up and sit back down.

  • Repeat a few times with different partners.


  • Designate a playing area and remind students of the boundaries. Surface: grass. Safety concern: players on outside of "blob" getting propelled too quickly by the group.

  • Students who go outside of the boundaries automatically become part of the blob.

  • 2 students are the "blob" ("it").

  • Holding hands, or linking elbows, the "blob" safety tags others.

  • If students are tagged, they become part of the "blob" & hold hands or link elbows.

  • Continue until everyone is part of the blob.

  • Option: have blobs divide in half every time they get to 6 players.

  • Variation: Fluffilo Blob Tag: everyone has a Fluffilo. Start the game with 3-5 taggers. If tagged on the lower leg by a Fluffilo, join the tagger's blob. Only the end players of the blob can continue tossing Fluffilos to tag more players.

  • Untag variation: free players may untag a player from the end of the blob by tossing a Fluffilo at his/her feet. If tagged, the end blob player is freed. Continuous play. If blobs get tired, blow the whistle and re-start the game with new blobs. In this version the winning blob is the biggest blob at the whistle blow.

Love to Leap

  • Create a starting line and a destination line approximately 10 yards apart.

  • Students line up horizontally facing the destination line.

  • On "go" signal students leap there and back.

  • Demonstrate a leap by doing the following:

    • Leaping is the transfer of body weight from one foot to the other.

    • Run for a few steps before leaping.

    • Use the lead foot to stretch forward as the arms stretch upward.

    • When landing, bend the knee of the lead foot to absorb the shock.

  • Count how many leaps it takes to get to the destination line and back to the starting line.

  • Try again, see if you can take fewer leaps to go the same distance.

Roll Into It!

  • Front Roll:

  • Encourage the students to tuck their chins to their chest. The legs should be tucked close to the body as the student rolls. The student may want to hold onto their knees.

  • Bend forward, placing hands on mat…

  • Jump with the legs, tucking the head…

  • Roll on the broad part of the shoulders and back…

  • Tuck the body in a ball…

  • Roll up to the feet to stand.

  • Forward Straddle Roll

  • Stand in a straddle position

  • Place hands on the mat between the legs.

  • Tuck the chin to the chest.

  • Roll staying in a straddle position.

  • Push hard with the hands keeping head down.

  • Finish like you started in a straddle position.

  • Cartwheel:

  • Start with cartwheels over a panel mat.

  • Just having the student stand straddled over the mat, place their hands on the mat, then jumping from foot to foot helps get a start.

  • (For left cartwheel). The student should stand perpendicular to the mat with their left foot touching the right end of the mat.

  • Then reach forward place their left hand on the close side of the mat kick their right leg as they place their right hand on the far side of the mat then landing on their right leg on the far side of the mat.

  • Log Roll:

  • Have students lie down at one end of the mat across the width of the mat. They can be either on their back or on their stomach.

  • Their arms can be in several different positions:

  • Straight overhead, By their side, or Across their chest

  • Let the students experiment to see which position works best for them.
    Students should then roll in a straight, smooth and continuous manner towards the

  • end of the mat.

  • Students can try alternating the direction they are facing on the mat to see if they roll better facing one way than they do another.

  • ***Click on this link for more information on Rolls!!

Leap and Roll

  • Scatter mats in a circular formation on the floor.

  • On your signal the students will travel in a circle, leaping and rolling.

  • They will leap with mature form until they reach a mat. When they reach the mat they will stop and perform a forward roll with slow controlled movements.

  • On another signal the students will stop and change direction.

  • They must wait their turn if they come to a mat that is being used.

  • Demonstrate a leap by doing the following:

    • Leaping is the transfer of body weight from one foot to the other.

    • Run for a few steps before leaping.

    • Use the lead foot to stretch forward as the arms stretch upward.

    • When landing, bend the knee of the lead foot to absorb the shock.

  • Demonstrate a roll on tumbling mats (if available).

    • Round your back like the letter C.

    • Tuck your chin to your chest.

    • Hike your bottom up high into the air.

    • Push off with legs and make sure your weight is on your arms so that the shoulders and back touch the mat in a very controlled way.

    • The top of your head should not touch the mat.

    • Roll all the way to your feet and stand up!


  • Groups of four form lines along the sidelines of the gym/field, facing the court area.

  • Each group has 3 hula hoops, or "lily pads" (preferably the same color).

  • One member of the group (frog) moves across the floor without getting wet from touching the ground inside the hula hoop (lily pads).

  • The other two members (tadpoles) are to continually move the lily pads forward so the frog has a place to jump (or leap!) - they are allowed in the water.

  • Once frog makes it to other side of the playing area (the pond), they must return using the same method, using a different frog, until everyone has had a turn being a frog.

  • If frog lands in the water, they must start over again from where that frog started.


  • Groups of 8 in a circle.

  • Students put hands into the center of the circle, crossing arms at the wrist.

  • Grasp hands with 2 different people across from them (not beside them).

  • Now try to untangle knot without letting go of hands.

  • Race if desired.