Grades K-2

Movement Exploration

Lesson 4

Equipment needed: Fluffilos and hoops (for personal space)

Focus Standard of the Day:

Demonstrate an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries while moving in different directions and at high, medium, and low levels in space. (CA 1-1.1)

  1. Unpack:
    • What is the verb: Demonstrate
    • What is the skill or content: Personal space, general space, and boundaries
  2. Evidence of learning:
    • The student can demonstrate an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries while moving in different directions and at high, medium, and low levels in space.
  3. Assessment tool/task:
    • Structured observation: The student will demonstrate an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries while moving in different directions and at high, medium, and low levels in space.
  4. Criteria for competence:
    • Describe, demonstrate, and explore personal space: The area around an individual that can be used while one part of the body remains in a fixed position on the floor or apparatus.
    • Describe, demonstrate, and explore general space: The physical area in which a movement takes place.
    • Describe, demonstrate, and explore levels: The relative position of the body or any of its parts to the floor or apparatus. Level may be applied to positions or movements. A high position would be with arms extended overhead reaching high while standing or walking on the tiptoes; a low position would be with hands and feet on the ground, belly or back low to the ground.
  5. Levels of quality for demonstrating an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries while moving in different directions and at high, medium, and low levels in space (5-point rubric):

    5. Student moves in all directions and levels with an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries in all game settings.

    4. Student moves in all directions and levels with an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries.

    3. Student moves in most directions and levels with an awareness of either personal space, general space, or boundaries.

    2. Student moves in some directions and levels with an awareness of either personal space, general space, or boundaries.

    1. Student cannot move in all directions and levels because they do not have an awareness of personal space, general space, or boundaries.

1-2.2: Identify people/objects that are within personal space and within boundaries.

  1. Unpack:
    • What is the verb: Identify
    • What is the skill or content: Personal space and boundaries
  2. Evidence of learning:
    • The student can identify people/objects that are within personal space and within boundaries.
  3. Assessment tool/task:
    • Structured observation: The student will identify people/objects that are within personal space and within boundaries.
  4. Criteria for competence:
    • Personal space: The area around an individual that can be used while one part of the body remains in a fixed position on the floor or apparatus. "Who is in your personal space?" (Players should answer "ME!")
    • Boundaries: Identify boundaries. Ask students to identify the people/objects they can find within the boundaries you have established. What about outside the boundaries?
  5. Levels of quality for identifying people/objects that are within personal space and within boundaries (5-point rubric):

    5. Student identifies all people/objects that are within their personal space and within the boundaries in all game settings.

    4. Student identifies all people/objects that are within their personal space and within the boundaries.

    3. Student identifies most of the people/objects that are within their personal space and within the boundaries.

    2. Student identifies some of the people/objects that are within their personal space and within the boundaries.

    1. Student does not identify the people/objects that are within their personal space and within the boundaries.

WARM UP: Personal Space: use poly spots or hula hoops to represent each student's personal space.

  • Step forward off your personal space (P. S.) and stand in FRONT of it…

  • Step backward onto your P. S…step backward off your P. S. and stand BEHIND it…

  • Step sideways off your P. S…step sideways onto your P. S…step sideways off your P. S…

  • Jump sideways off your P. S…jump sideways onto your P. S…jump sideways off your P. S…

  • Step forward off your P. S…balance on one foot…close your eyes and balance on your other foot…close your eyes, use your arms to balance, and step backward onto your P. S…

  • Jump forward off your P. S…jump forward all the way around your P. S… now hop all the way around your P. S…hop all the way around on your other foot…jump backward all the way around your P. S…

  • Hold your P. S. behind you…

  • Stand under your P. S…

  • Cover your P. S. with your body…

  • Kneel on your P. S. with one knee…

  • Stand behind your P. S…

  • Jump forward over your P. S…

  • Jump backward over your P. S…

  • Lame dog walk around your P. S…

  • Walk forward around your P. S. on your toes…

  • Walk backward around your P. S. on your toes…

  • Jump into your hoop and land on one foot.... Jump out of your hoop and land on the other foot... (repeat)

  • Jump into your hoop starting on one foot and land on both feet... Jump out of your hoop starting on one foot and land on both feet... (repeat)

  • Skip quickly around the outside of your hoop.

  • Tiptoe slowly around your hoop in the opposite direction.

  • Gallop at a medium speed around your hoop.

  • Hop quickly into and out of your hoop as fast as you can.

  • Hop slowly around the outside of your hoop.

General / Open Space Movement

  • Walk around and keep time to the beat of the drum…

  • Watch out for everyone…Do not touch or bump anyone…

  • Walk around, hands on hips…hands on head…hands on knees…forward… backward (look over your shoulder)…

  • Fast walk forward…walk in slow motion…walk sideways…walk in slow motion backward…

  • Walk tall and straight…now on your toes…put your hands in the air…

  • Walk as wide as you can…hold your stomach in as you walk…push your stomach out as you wide walk…wide walk backward…

  • Walk around with the tip of your body in a twisted shape…walk backward… twist a different way…

  • Silly walk around…cross your feet in front of your body and say, "I'm silly!" as you walk around…

  • Walk low to the ground… walk on your hands and feet like an animal... slither on the ground...

  • Measure very short steps while walking…take very long steps…now take very short steps backward…

  • Walk forward toward me…walk backward away from me…walk backward toward me…walk forward away from me…

  • Walk backward in slow motion…walk as if you are barefoot on hot sand…

  • Walk along beside someone…keep the same steps they do…listen for a drum beat…now, one get in front of the other…keep the same steps as your partner…

  • Walk forward and change speeds with the drum beat…run…slow…slow motion…fast…etc…

  • Walk three steps…run three…walk three…run three…

  • Walk as if you are walking on peanut butter…hot coals…nails…etc…

  • Walk on your tiptoes…heels…sides of your feet…

  • Walk around and sandpaper the floor with your feet…pretend that the floor is slippery…

  • Walk around fast and begin shuffling your feet…try high step jogging or power walking…etc…

Boundary Walk

  • One way to make sure the students know the boundaries is to do a quick walk or jog around them.

  • Throw in some different locomotor movements (skipping, hopping, jumping, sliding...) and make it a full body exercise activity!

  • Lead the class around the boundaries in a straight line. Change the speed and movements to mix it up!

My Space

  • Place hula hoops on the ground in a circle formation within the designated boundary lines. Have the hoops spread out far enough so that students cannot touch each other when arms are spread out.

  • After traveling the boundary lines, have the players hustle to a hoop - any hoop - as fast as they can! (or before you count to 5).

  • Explain that the hoop represents your "personal space." Your personal space is the area around you when you spread out your arms and turn in a circle.

  • Objective: to practice moving within boundaries and within personal space.

  • Round one: On cue of "boundary" or cue of "personal space" players respond by moving to that area. Practice with a few short, quick call-outs.

  • Round two: Add a movement. Call out "jog within the boundary" or "wiggle in your personal space" (they would get into a hoop - any hoop - and wiggle). Continue with various cues.

  • Round three: Take away the hoops and challenge players to find their own "personal space" on cue. What does that mean? How can they do that? Ask them and encourage them to show you how.

Zoo Clues

  • Players in groups of 5 or 6. Number the players within each group and have them repeat their numbers back to you AND hold up their fingers for their numbers.

  • Designate two lines to travel to and from.

  • Each group starts on the line, with space between them.

  • Players line up according to their numbers side-by-side along the line.

  • Player one gives verbal clues about a specific zoo animal, one at a time. When a player from the line raises his/her hand, the clue-giver may call on him/her to guess which animal it is.

  • Once there is a correct guess (clue-giver can give up to 4 clues. If no-one guesses correctly the clue-giver reveals the secret animal!) the clue-giver begins to travel LIKE THE DESIGNATED ANIMAL. All of the group follows in the same manner until all players reach the other side.

  • Once all players have arrived, player two becomes the clue-giver. Play until everyone in the group has had a chance to be the clue-giver. (That's why it's important to have small groups!)

King Crab Tag

  • "Everyone's It" Tag with a twist.

  • Rules: pinky-touch tag. No tag-backs.

  • All players are in crab-walk position.

  • Imagine that the pinky finger on each crab contains a magic potion that turns crabs into bears!

  • When a player is pinky-tagged, he/she instantly turns into a bear (no tag-backs) and assumes the bear-crawl position.

  • Bears also have magical powers in their bear-paw-pinky-fingers and may turn ONE other crab (not the tagger) into a bear to travel to the North Pole with him/her.

  • At the North Pole (a destination away from the playing area - designated by the teacher) a Magic Snowman (the teacher) has the bears spin around 5 times and magically turns them back into crabs, then re-enter the game.

  • The goal is to tag as many crabs as possible to become KING CRABBY!

  • Continuous play.

  • **If it seems as though too many are getting tagged, simply appoint 20% of players to be "it." All the players are still crabs, but only the "it" crabs have the magic potion in their little claws!

  • Play a few rounds. Allow the players who visited the North Pole the most frequently be the Magic Crabs for the next round.

COOL DOWN: Fluffilo Stretch

  • Everyone stands in his/her own personal space.

  • Hold the Fluffilo in both hands and stretch to the sky.

  • Still reaching upward, lean over to one side, repeat to other side.

  • Standing up tall, imagine that someone is pulling your Fluffilo forward. Keep your back straight, but let your shoulders stretch forward with the Flo.

  • Now it is being pulled forward and down. Feel your shoulders lower as your bag is being pulled toward the ground.

  • Follow the Flo down gently as you stretch toward your toes....

  • Now roll the spine up a little bit at a time... gently...

  • Roll the shoulders forward, up, back, and down.

  • Inhale (breathe in) as you raise your hands up high.

  • Exhale (breathe out) as you lower your hands gently to your sides. (Repeat the inhale, exhale.)