Grades K-2
Movement Exploration
Lesson 5
Equipment: Fluffilos (one per player), and hoops (one per player).
Focus Standards of the Day:
1-5.6: Identify and demonstrate effective practices for working with a group without interfering with others.
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: Identify and demonstrate
- What is the skill or content: Effective practices for working with a group
- Evidence of learning:
- The student can identify effective practices for working with a group without interfering with others and can demonstrate this in practice/game settings.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Structured observation: The student will work with a group without interfering with others.
- Verbal assignment: "Identify at least 3 things that make a group work well together."
- Criteria for competence:
- For a group to work well together they need to cooperate and share. They must listen and give advice without being bossy. A good group encourages one another and never leaves a teammate behind.
Levels of quality for identifying and demonstrating effective practices for working with a group without interfering with others (5-point rubric):
5. Student fully identifies and demonstrates more than 3 effective practices for working with a group. They do not interfere with others.
4. Student identifies and demonstrates 3 effective practices for working with a group. They do not interfere with others.
3. Student identifies and demonstrates 2 effective practices for working with a group. They begin to interfere with others.
2. Student identifies and demonstrates 1 effective practice for working with a group. They interfere with others.
1. Student does not identify or demonstrate any effective practices for working with a group. They are always interfering.
Travel in a backward direction and change direction quickly, and safely, without falling (NASPE Benchmark G2).
- Unpack:
- What is the verb: Travel
- What is the skill or content: Changing directions
- Evidence of learning:
- The student can travel in a backward direction and change direction quickly, and safely, without falling.
- Assessment tool/task:
- Structured observation: The student will travel in a backward direction and change direction quickly, and safely, without falling.
- Criteria for competence:
- While traveling backward it is very important to make sure that you are not going to bump into anyone. Always look first!
- When traveling backward begin with a slow pace, then go faster when you feel ready. It is very easy to get going too fast and fall down. Try your best to stay on your feet!
Levels of quality for traveling in a backward direction and changing direction quickly, and safely, without falling (5-point rubric):
5. Student travels backward and changes direction without falling in all game settings.
4. Student travels backward and changes direction without falling.
3. Student travels backward and puts effort into changing direction without falling.
2. Student travels backward and struggles to change direction without falling.
1. Student cannot travel backward and change direction without falling.
WARM UP: Hand and Eye Skills Using Fluffilos
Place your Fluffilo on ground and walk around it…skip around it…gallop around it…slide around it…hop around it…jump around it…
Place your Fluffilo on body parts (between elbows, one elbow, on foot, etc.) and walk forward…backward…
Throw your Fluffilo into the air above your head. Try not to move your feet and catch with two hands…with best (stronger/dominant) hand…with the other hand…
Throw it with one hand and catch with other hand…
Toss your Fluffilo back and forth from one hand to another…
Catch your Fluffilo waist high…knee high…shin high…
Put your Fluffilo on your foot and swing you foot upward and catch it with two hands…best hand…other hand…
Create more or have students come up with ideas.
Fluffilo Partner Toss & Tricks
Players begin lined up down the court…standing across from each other six feet apart.
One player tosses the Fluffilo to his/her partner.
Partner tosses it back.
Play for one-minute rounds, with players keeping count of successful catches.
Teams compete with their own score, trying to catch more tosses with each round.
Teacher could add: Right hand only…left hand only…
Partner Tricks
- Partners stand back-to-back.
- Pass Fluffilo over head and under legs… reverse...
- Pass Fluffilos around from side to side faster and faster… reverse direction...
- Or toss Fluffilo back and forth to partner…try two Fluffilos…
- Challenge students come up with their own partner tricks and give them an opportunity to show them to the class if they'd like to. Have the class give the tricks a try after each demonstration.
Get-to-Know with Toss-A-Fl'o
Review the importance of good manners. What does it mean to have good manners? Can anyone name some things that might be considered good manners? (Let students come up with a few ideas.)
What about saying please and thank you? In this game we are going to practice throwing and catching while we work on nice manners! (Demonstrate the game as explained below.)
Form groups of 5-7 players.
One student steps forward one step and says his/her name.
Entire group in unison says the name of the person…Go around the circle getting to know each student's name.
Now add a Fluffilo that is tossed to another person.
To toss, call the name of the person, make eye contact, then easy toss.
The receiver says "Thank you" and the person's name.
Play until everyone is comfortable with each other's names.
Effective Practices
Students will verbally respond to the following prompt: "Identify at least 3 things that make a group work well together."
When finished, brainstorm with the class to think of as many effective practices as possible!
Play a cooperative group game.
Hoop Groups:
Groups of 4.
Have one person from each group get a hoop and stand inside of it.
ONE other player from the group gets inside the hoop also.
Now you have two players inside the hoop, and two players holding onto the outside of the hoop.
When music begins (or on Teacher's signal), the students walk around the playing area without interfering with others.
When the music stops (or on Teacher's signal), the players on the OUTSIDE of the hoop LET GO of the hoop and get INSIDE of the SAME HOOP.
The two players who WERE on the INSIDE go find a NEW hoop to hold onto as quickly and safely as possible - before the music starts (or before the teacher's signal).
Students need to work together and cooperate.
When the music begins again, the new foursome travels around the playing area.
VARIATION: Change the locomotor skills to skipping or jogging.
Remind students that the first players to arrive at their hoop gets in. Encourage them to find different partners every round. Students are not allowed to exclude anyone. "We don't do that in this class."
Locomotor License IN REVERSE!
The Teacher is a Police Officer and the students are in their own cars, driving around town.
When the Police Officer calls out a prompt, the students move accordingly. On special REVERSE signal, players perform the same movement, but attempt it IN REVERSE!!!
Warn them to perform the movement SLOWLY while using their rear-view mirrors!!
Bumpy road=skipping
Speed limit 30 mph= walking
Narrow Road= galloping
School Crossing= walk really slow
Flat Tire= hopping
Highway Driving= running
Emergency= freeze
Stuck in the Mud= jog in place
It's Raining= put on windshield wipers by doing jumping jacks
COOL DOWN: Fluffilo Stretch
Everyone stands in their own personal space.
Hold the Fluffilo in both hands and stretch to the sky.
Still reaching upward, lean over to one side, repeat to other side.
Standing up tall, imagine that someone is pulling your Fluffilo forward. Keep your back straight, but let your shoulders stretch forward with the bag.
Now it is being pulled forward and down. Feel your shoulders lower as your bag is being pulled toward the ground.
Follow the Fluffilo down gently as you stretch toward your toes....
Now roll the spine up a little bit at a time... gently...
Roll the shoulders forward, up, back, and down.
Inhale (breathe in) as you raise your hands up high.
Exhale (breathe out) as you lower your hands gently to your sides.
Questions for Discussion
How did you do today?
Think back on the activities we played this week.
Did you have a favorite?
Why was that your favorite?
Did that game involve _______ ? (teamwork/cooperation/sportsmanship/trust)
What is teamwork?
What is cooperation?
What is trust?
What is sportsmanship?
Why are these things important?
What are some things that we can do when we play to show teamwork....cooperation.... trust.... sportsmanship....